Meet Rufus, DVFriends Therapy Dog


DVFriends Therapy Dog, Rufus


Rufus is a certified therapy dog and as a labradoodle he is also hypoallergenic.  He is named after Rufus Jones, who was a Quaker professor at Haverford College who helped to found the American Friends Service Committee, which won the Nobel Prize in 1947 and has been doing Peace Work internationally and domestically since 1917.

RufusRufus has received extensive training through Ultimate Canine located in Indiana. We chose Ultimate Canine for its thorough and intensive training program which exceeds the AKC (American Kennel Club) requirements.  Additionally, Ultimate Canine provided extensive training and certification to four handlers at DVFriends. He will split time among our three divisions so that all of our students can have access to him and enjoy his presence.

Why a therapy dog? 

Therapy dogs have been active in school settings for several years and are growing in popularity due to the benefits dogs bring to a community. They help children learn compassion, empathy, responsibility, respect, and self-discipline.  Trained therapy dogs offer comfort and non-judgemental love. Studies prove that even a brief time with a dog can decrease levels of anxiety and increase emotional security. We are delighted to have a certified therapy dog on campus.


Fun Rufus Facts

  • Favorite toy: A ring he can chew and chase
  • Favorite treat: Health Bars made with apples and yogurt
  • Favorite time at DV: Recess (running and chasing things)
  • Favorite commands: "Knuckles", "sit", and "down"